- One big thing Microsoft, Apple, and all CTOs can learn from Ubuntu http://bit.ly/9Pf8NF #
- RT @googleanalytics Make the web faster! Try Google Analytics' Asynchronous Tracking! http://bit.ly/dx8iWY #ganalytics #measure #
- This might be huge… Google to Open-source VP8 for HTML5 Video http://bit.ly/aAG7yz #
- Hold Your Breath for a Really Long Time – Wired How-To Wiki http://post.ly/afq0 #
- Netflix on the Wii comes without search 🙁
One more reason to get rid of my Wii #netflix #wii # - Twitter: where the money is! http://bit.ly/bzA62J #
- 10 Celebrities Who Look Stoned On Sesame Street http://post.ly/b0qF #
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