- Well done @rww: Announcing ReadWriteCloud, Our New Channel on Cloud Computing & Virtualization http://bit.ly/7io8hl #itwastime 🙂 #
- Hussman: How To Spend $1.5 Trillion Without Congressional Approval http://bit.ly/4SUxjs #
- @cdixon why? Can you elaborate your thoughts? in reply to cdixon #
- How to Turn on Your Man – Urlesque http://post.ly/KYwq #
- Leaders http://bit.ly/4Yq59N (by @fredwilson) #
- Building Super Scalable Systems: Blade Runner Meets Autonomic Computing in the Ambient Cloud http://bit.ly/7hPyp9 (long but worth reading) #
- Google Voice Arrives on iPhone With HTML5-Powered Web App http://bit.ly/cBTHlB #html5 #mobile #
- Nothing new but a must see: Michael Pollan: Don't Eat What You See on TV! http://bit.ly/cqZbzk (via @foratv) #
- the iPad: The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs http://bit.ly/bu0S1I #
- The Apple iPad – Engadget Galleries http://post.ly/Kqn7 #
- Agreed, not impressed at all … rt @yranchere So far it's a big Ipod… #
- The Truth About Apple's iPad: It's A Big Yawn http://bit.ly/bKika6 (via @alleyinsider) #
- Avatar is actually only the 26th biggest movie ever http://bit.ly/bKDnif #
- Hitler Gets An Apple iPad http://bit.ly/dgmn47 #
- HTML5 is Great for Mobile, Developers Say http://bit.ly/9uHCz1 #
- Apple earns $208 for every base iPad model they sell http://bit.ly/9FskGs #
- Firefox Mobile version 1.0 now available for the Nokia N900 http://bit.ly/98sI4V #
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